Feature Friday - Kathryn Lloyd
Art can be a powerful unifying tool. We consider ourselves at Art Nest very privileged to have attracted so many fine artists wherever they may be on their creative journey. Today we have a Q&A with one of our in house artists, Kathryn Lloyd as we learn a bit more about her and her art. Kathryn normally works behind the scenes at Art Nest and helps to ensure that classes run smoothly. We hope these series of interviews inspire others to follow their paths in their respective creative field(s). Read on and be inspired!

Art Nest: When did you realize you had an interest in art? Kathryn: I discovered that I had an interest in Art after I had taken an International Baccalaureate Art Course in High School. I was in Grade Nine at the time. Art Nest: What are your preferred mediums for expressing your creativity? Kathryn: My preferred mediums are acrylic paint and ink (from pens).

Art Nest: Have you displayed your art publicly, if so where? Kathryn: My art was once displayed at Art at the Governor’s. My reproduction of a Paul Gauguin piece as part of a project for a final exam in High School was displayed at the Governor’s residence. I also have several drawings currently on display in the Historic Library at the George Town Public Library, and I have one canvas on display at Art Nest (which I painted as part of a competition.) Art Nest: How were they received and what impact did the reception of your art work have on you? Kathryn: The reproduction I did in High School was received well according to my instructor. This boosted my self esteem and made me feel very encouraged. In terms of the other two instances where I had been able to display my artwork, I received minimal feedback. This lack of feedback made me feel discouraged. Art Nest: How has art helped you in your personal/professional life? Kathryn: Art has helped me by allowing me to express myself, to relieve frustration, anxiety,anger,and depression. It has also helped me to open myself up to people and to share myself with those around me.

Art Nest: Do you experience any barriers to you expressing your creativity through art? If yes, what are they and how do you work to overcome them. Kathryn: I don’t really experience any barriers to expressing my creativity. But I wouldn’t exactly complain if I were given my own space where I could produce as many pieces of Art as I could possibly conceive. (Because at the moment I do not have a lot of room to work with). I currently combat this issue with lack of space by giving away artwork as gifts to individuals or by creating smaller pieces. Art Nest: How regularly do you practice your art? Kathryn: I would say that I practice my art about once a month or whenever inspiration takes hold of me, whichever comes first. Art Nest: Where do you see yourself taking your art practice five years from now? Kathryn: Five years from now, I hope to continue my art practice. I also hope that I find a way to market my craft so that I can gain some sort of financial benefit (even though I am quite content with the emotional benefit that the practice is currently able to provide me.

Art Nest: Any advice for those who would love to try out visual art (painting or drawing) but may be afraid to do so because they may feel they’re not good enough? Kathryn: My advice to anyone who wants to try out visual art is: to just be yourself, focus on your own journey exploring this method of expression, and don’t compare yourself to other people that may or may not have more experience than you. Also, be willing to learn as that will help increase your self confidence.